Steven Swarts, PhD, UF Radiation Oncology Research Associate Professor, was elected by the Radiation Research Society as Councilor-Chemistry on September 10, 2020.
The mission of the Society is to advance radiation research in all disciplines of science and medicine, foster collaboration within a community of researchers interested in the study of the properties and effects of radiation, and to disseminate knowledge in radiation research to the scientific community and the public.
The Society holds an annual meeting that features both contributed and invited papers from all fields of radiation research, particularly physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The presentations include award and invited lectures, invited symposia devoted to specific topics of current interest, refresher courses and workshops. Poster presentations complementary to the oral sessions provide a more informal opportunity for communication between the attendees.
Approximately 1,000 members of the society typically attend each Annual Meeting and the journal Radiation Research is the organization’s official publication.
Learn more about the Radiation Research Society’s 2020 election here, or visit the society website.